Enough Coverage: Choosing the Right Individual Health Insurance

Insurance Needs for a New Landscaping Company

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Opening your own landscaping company can be exciting, but there is more to it than pricing your services and getting the word out. You also need to tend things like securing insurance, which will help protect your new business from liability and loss. The following are a few of the different types of coverage that you should consider. Small business policy As a small business owner, it’s important that you have a basic coverage for your business. Read More»

Quick Tips For Paying Less On Your Insurance Rate

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Looking to bring down the cost of your car insurance? If you are and don’t want to compromise your coverage, then there are factors and options that you can use to your advantage to help lower your insurance rate while maintaining the proper coverage that you need. So, when trying to reduce your insurance rates, consider the following options: Higher Deductible Rates: Paying more out of your own pocket when requesting coverage from your insurance company is a great way to bring the cost down. Read More»

4 Ways Young Drivers Can Lower Their Auto Insurance Rates

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It’s no secret that drivers under the age of 25 pay some the highest auto insurance premiums of any driving group. A general lack of driving experience combined with higher accident rates means that most young drivers pay 3.5-times the amount in insurance premiums than drivers in their mid-thirties, according to ValuePenguin. Fortunately, there are several ways that young drivers can ease the burden of high insurance costs. Maintain Good Grades Read More»

Does Short Term Disability Insurance Cover Maternity Leave?

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The birth of a child should be something you enjoy. For many mothers, it’s a time of worry. How will you be able to afford to take time off to recover from the birth and enjoy those first few weeks? Will your short term disability insurance cover your maternity leave? Here’s a look at the details. It Really Depends on Your State Some states won’t allow you to take short term disability leave for maternity and postpartum needs. Read More»

Solutions For Cheaper Auto Insurance

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There’s not much you can really do to avoid the cost of auto insurance. However, there are solutions and options that you can utilize to help you obtain a lower monthly insurance rate. Maximizing your ability to reduce your insurance rate without minimizing your actual coverage can be extremely helpful, especially if you live off a tight budget. So, to make sure your vehicle is fully covered and that you aren’t overpaying for your protection, be sure to take advantage of the following options: Read More»