Enough Coverage: Choosing the Right Individual Health Insurance

Determining The Value Of A Totaled Car

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If you have recently totaled your car, it’s certainly a traumatic and stressful experience. After the shock wears off, it’s time to start working with your insurance adjuster to determine how much your car is worth. Your auto insurance policy will have a section that tells you how much your carrier will pay you for your car, but the difficult part is determining the value. So it helps to know exactly how an insurance company, such as Martin Insurance Company, determines the value, in order for you to get the maximum amount of money. Read More»

Questions Concerning An Accident Caused By An Animal In The Roadway

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As a driver, there are a lot of things you can do to make sure you stay safe on the roadway. You may always follow the rules of the road, avoid distractions, and even follow the speed limit signs at all times. However, no amount of safe driving will help you to completely avoid the possibility of an automobile accident. You never know when there is a furry critter waiting in the roadway just up around the bend. Read More»

Homeowners - Ensure You're Properly Insured

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Homeowners pay for insurance coverage in order to have peace of mind.  But real peace of mind requires more than just writing that check once or twice a year.  To be truly protected in the event of theft or an emergency, what other important steps should you take? Inventory All Property The first step both in determining how much coverage is really appropriate and making sure you’re covered is to inventory your belongings. Read More»

How to Spot a Great Trucking Insurance Company

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When it is time to purchase insurance for your commercial truck or commercial trucking service, there are a couple of factors that can help you determine which insurance company will be best able to suit your needs. Take these factors into consideration as you shop around for commercial trucking insurance.  The Size of the Agency Larger insurance agencies may be able to offer lower prices to their customers. Insurance is all about risk. Read More»

5 Risk Factors That Could Be Driving Up The Costs Of Your Insurance Policy

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As a driver in the United States, it is a legal requirement that you hold auto insurance that will cover damages in the event you are in an accident on the roadway. While auto insurance proves to be valuable on a variety of levels, it is easy to look at this mandated expense as unnecessary if you are a safe driver. However, you never know what could be waiting for you when you get behind the wheel. Read More»